Be YOU .
Authentic YOU.
Be the size you wear, not the size you or the industry thinks you wear.
And dress how you like.
Be your silly self.

But also be the kind of person who changes their plans,
in order to help make changes.
Pack light, be flexible,
and make new friends.

Even if it takes you out of your comfort zone.
Other people want and need your support.
Even if you are just a body that raises the numbers.
Maybe you'll just SIT IN place.
Let the people who know what to say-say it.
To the people who need to hear it. Regroup at the end of a day and aim for an even better tomorrow.
Be proud of your doings and let others know about them.
Pay attention to your surroundings.
Be creative in how you state your thoughts.
Be sentimental about places that matter to your family.
Be a tourist.
Learn about stuff.
Be indulgent sometimes.
And make sure they do!
Be fair.
No "side" gets things right all the time.
Aim for compromise with LOVE as the goal.
Be able to not take things so seriously.
Have a sense of humor and humility.
Be vigilant to avoid greed and anger.
Be able to identify a wolf and idiot.
Be educated about lawsand learn how to change bad ones.
Be an environmentalist.
This planet needs you to care.
Notice English Bulldogs.
They will make you smile.
Be ready to leave when it's time to leave. Your presence isn't always needed.
Be sure and eat.
Be willing to sit in the back.
Even if it stinks.
Be patient when things take longer than you would like. Be sure and eat.
Don't get Hangry.

Be able to seek out beauty everywhere.
Celebrate creativity.
Be grateful.
Be giving.
And forget the gift.

Love the ones your with.
Be well read.Be a peacemaker.

Be happy to be home.
Be sure to have some FUN.
See some art.
Listen to music.
Settle for the tee shirt and pay your rent.
Dine out and try new cuisines.
But stay true to your favorites.
Come together and help others.
Be a Pen Pal.
Be a volunteer.
You don't have to be the gardener.
You can be down in the weeds.
Be cool and let others be cool too.
Look for magic.Be a light in the darkness and aim for the moon.
Don't hide your talents.
Be a good neighbor.

Be right sized.
Don't let fame go to your head.
But be thankful for affirmation.
Be out in nature.
Seek green spaces.

Be brave enough to carry scary spiders outside.
Be colorful.
Be careful.
Be open to new ways to heal.
Be sweet to others.
Be a fungi.
Or a fungirl, if that's your thing.
Look for beauty everywhere.
Especially in the alleyways of life.
Be a life learner.
Even if it's scary.
Be thrifty!
And be curious.
Sometimes you can do advocacy work in your hometown.