Monday, January 30, 2023

Change of Plans

This Dove candy wrapper is from treats brought to me by a 
lovely neighbor whose dogs I was supposed to walk this week.
It says, 
"Live your life every day
with no regrets,
it will be worth it."
I agree fully.
I was supposed to spend 5 days snuggling with this cutie
but an injury caused a change of plans.
I thought I would be posting this month's blog 
from Florida 
where I was supposed to be caring for another sweet puppy 
for 21 days
of fun on the beach.
I won't be needing that facial sunscreen this month.
Because I am still here with the snow 
I will not be going outside 
until my next X-rays in late February.
On January 20th
I fractured a medial tibial plateau.
(It's a crucial bone near the kneecap.)
I had to cancel three traveling adventures
so I can heal properly.
Including a trip to Colorado to see a production 
of this book directed by a friend. 
But I gotta say,
mainly I was sooooooo grateful when the MRI 
showed I did not need surgery!!!
It was nerve racking when she said she was going to put 
weights on my foot because it was shaking.  
I couldn't feel my foot shaking, 
but I was worried the weights would hurt my knee!
(Thankfully they did not.) 
I had headphones on and listened to soft 70s rock n roll songs.
First up was "Fox on the Run"
then "Magic Man"
followed by Eagles' "Peaceful Easy Feeling."
There were two other songs I heard 
and recognized, but I couldn't remember their titles.
I must have dozed off some but I spoke to 
the technician when she checked in with me 
between the jack hammer-like pounding sounds.
"Blinded by the Light" (ironic) was midway through when I was told the testing was done.
"But it's such a good song," I said, laughing, but very happy to be done. 
Staying still is HARD!
I do not want to talk about the cause of the injury.
But I will kibitz about how this journey began.
First I was fitted for crutches incorrectly,
the first pair were a full inch too BIG!
I used them for four days,
bruising my ribs, shoulders, and hands.
Then my knee brace broke on the drive home from the doctor's.
We had to return the next day to be fitted for a new one.
My husband is working full time 
and had to cram five hours worth of doctor's visits in his Tuesday.
Plus he's doing all the cooking and dishes. 
And fetching...
Thank you Honey. 
He kindly set up a twin bed 
in the middle of the house.
It faces our wood burning fireplace which is heavenly, 
except for the fact that I cant walk on my right leg...
Our daughter thoughtfully purchased a cart for me to organize my stuff. 
She also sent a slew of stickers to decorate it with!
And she sent a grabber! Very useful!
Thanks sweetie!
Friends and family have sent get well cards. 
So sweet.
Yes, you are remembering things correctly,
I broke my shoulder in October, 2021.

When I told a college buddy about my leg she snapped,
"Well, we aren't getting any younger!"
I have to say my fractured shoulder (three places) was
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.
The pain was awful.
My fractured right knee is very tender 
and my left knee is sore - and is getting hardly any time to recover.
Both were banged up badly.
I am so grateful I did not put any pressure on my right leg.
I knew it was more significantly damaged.
At this time I am not allowed to put any weight on my right leg.
But lookee at me. Ta da. 
I miss going on daily walks.
To deal with the mental (sadness and self-pity) 
part of my injury I've been attending
motivating Zoom presentations.
The candy wrapper slogan at the top of the blog defines me.
I am thankful my doctor agrees and wants me to live my life to the fullest.
As Life is Good products say:
Do What You Love
Love What You Do.
There's no such thing as luck.
Good or bad.
So just seize the day and enjoy!
Here's some more "sweet" affirmations.
Before I got hurt I was very busy!
I heard live music at the Senior Center 
and Madame Zuzus.
My husband and I went to the city for New Year's Eve.
We went to the Art Institute and shopping on Michigan Ave.
I also went back to thrifting.
(I had been on a sabbatical. HA.)
I need to fill my baskets for my "Christmas in July"
annual giving at Phantom Lake YMCA Camp.
I didn't buy this plate.
But Shirley Temple sure is sweet
just like my mommy. 
I cannot NOT shop in that area. 
There's so many good ones!
There is nothing safe about hot grease.
It's a relief when you find a replacement coat after mistakenly donating one.
(No, I did not repurchase the same coat!)
Good thing I did go shopping when I did because
I won't be driving for a long time. 
My goal is to be driving by June.
Our daughter has my car in Chicago.
I wonder if she'll notice cool numbers roll over like I do.
Before thrifting I usually tidy up and try to find things to donate.
(It's hard work so a Starbucks mocha is a reward.)
While thrifting I also bought some LPs 
and listened to them UPSTAIRS.
(Where I won't be going until after my second X-rays.)
I got a few months of Apple TV as a freebie
and now the family has decided we want to subscribe.
They have so many interesting and entertaining shows!
I just wish there was one with Timothee Chalamet. Hee hee. 
Since I will be resting for awhile I will be reading some hard copy books too.
Thanks for the gifts friends!
Audio books continue to be a joy.
The #dosomethingfornothing one started a social justice movement.
Check it out.
Speaking of injustice.
Please join me in supporting the 
Another issue brewing controversy is the Mars Co.
I am boycotting them until they figure this mess out. 
Zoom meetings have become a big part of my life now.
They are just a great way for connection with others far away.
This Master Class is outstanding!
Did anyone else go down the rabbit hole of the show 1899?
Music continues to soothe my soul.
This song had a special meaning this month as 
some special people got married!
I used Facebook Marketplace to buy a cassette player.
Cassettes play fine on it.
The AM/FM radio works.
But the cd player and headphones do not work. 
Hey, two ottta three ain't bad.
I dug out my mix tapes and also found recordings 
of my children from when they were young.
I am exciting to announce that Kenny Loggins is coming to Ravinia.
I have been "manifesting him home" for months!
It worked!!!!!
We continue to eat well.
Chipotle and take out Chinese - yum!
Sorry about all the preservatives Doc Heather!
(Notice the heart shaped pepperoncini!)
Here's a few pics taken between 12/20 and 12/31 
after I had posted December's blog.
We had to do Christmas via FaceTime due to Covid.
So instead of hosting our first grandchild
I watched Christmas movies alone 
and schlepped food upstairs
to the Covid Ward patient. 
(My husband.)
I'm still loving playing Rummikube,
doing puzzles,

and writing letters. 
Same ole, same ole.
I journal. My friend crochets. Both are good stress releasers. 
I will NOT be using a Snoopy sledding intertube anytime soon...
Have you ever been out in public in clothing that 
doesn't match your mood?
Like when someone "steals" "your" parking spot?
Asking for a friend again.

We did have fun on our (cut short) roadtrip. 
I would like an award for not buying these
pretty earrings that were only $10.
I have so many earrings but these were so cute!
I love being able to "buy" something with a digital photo.
It's mine to look at again and again.

But now I'm back home.
Watching the world and sparkling snowflakes go by.
I'm sending you all love and hugs.
Drop me a text or call.
I'm available...
With deep thankfulness for your friendship,
Jen Pen
Be careful out there - but LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!


  1. Oh I'm so sorry this happened!! I'm glad hubby set up a twin bed in the LR in front of the fireplace! And daughter gave you so many stickers AND a gripper!!!
    I would like the rug that's 36x 56 please!!
    Glad you're doing Zoom and other uplifting things, it's hard to be outta commission, esp for such a busy lady like you!! I forgot about the FL trip. I'm sorry. Today it is -15 degrees here. Ha!

  2. It is great to hear you don't need surgery but I'm sure this is hard. Hope you get all hose books read and write some more, too. Take good care and stay warm! Heal fast.
