Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Up to Snow Good

It was a 
Bone Chillin' Halloween!
I've been searching for a vintage
Fair Isle sweater
like the ones I wore in high school.
Sadly, the ones I find are either 
not my kinda color or size. 
I would prefer to find one
"in the wild" 
while out thrifting 
but I've spent hours online searching.
I'll let you all know if I succeed.
This month I traveled to Ohio for a wedding.
I took an adorable pair of high heels with me. 
I'd gotten them at Goodwill but the heel shattered 
so I had to get them fixed at a cobbler business 
that's been around for almost 40 years. 
Sadly my knee injury prevented my wearing 
them longer than for a few photos.
But I did still dance.
Matter of fact when the bride 
came to our table she said,
"I saw you jump up and get to the dance floor at the first song!"
And I had - but in stocking feet.
We ate out twice at two family favorites.
The brassy Villa Nova,
and the Pope approved Bucca de Bepo.
The next day some of the family went to 
the OSU vs. Penn State football game.
But I won!
Because I got to take care of my grandchild!
I brought snacks and toys!
And we went to a pumpkin patch!
I was able to find the right
of person to HOUSE 
this Thurber-esque
and saw a handmade mailbox I aDOORed.
I was sad I didn't get to hang out with one friend since she was ill.
We drove around our former neighborhoods.
And played a corny game on the drive home.
When I went to pick up my car it was 
parked in front of a port-a-potty.
I teased my kid by texting her that I had knocked it over.
Well, I thought it was funny. 
As usual I enjoyed thrifting.
I stumbled upon a church sale, 
went to Goodwill on Senior days, 
and of course made trips to 
Vintage Rescue, Heritage Trail and more.
I also found a ceramic fleur de lis 
and amazing music based collage
 at the local arts center and .
Speaking of art, I uncovered some of
my own earliest masterpieces. 
I also found this relic.
I'm a backer of Kenny Loggin's Kickstarter.
Hopefully it'll get funded and they'll make a movie about his career. 
At a recent Goodwill run I saw another customer 
leave with a happy purchase of art. 
Yummy fall snacks abounded.
A visit to Love that Spice was tasty!
I was blessed with a day at the Lincoln Park Zoo 
and lunch at R.J. Grunts. 
Sometimes life is for the birds. 
Being beat at Rummykube by my neighbor is fun.
And WOWEE is she an amazing crochet artist!!!
I was blessed with a walk at the Chicago Botanic Gardens with a buddy. 
The numbers just keep rollin'
as we take road trips.
The most recent trip was to Michigan 
with my daughter to visit my parents.
We were treated to some glorious colors 
along the way there and back
and ate at the cutest diner named
Sticks N Stones. 
The weather during our visit was cold and rainy.
Which was perfect for lizarding about.
By staying inside we cozied up to an electric fire
and listened to stories and looked at family photos. 
Looking at my grandparents' stamp collection was fascinating. 
We held an arts & crafts time with friends. 
We overate cheesy hors d'oeuvres and went out for Italian food.
When one bagel place doesn't open
another one provides for a beautiful ride around a lake.
I was so glad I got to see
my parents before the winter comes.
But it was nice to get back to
where the home fires burn bright.
I listened to podcasts and books, 
spun some records, and watched some shows.

(Even a bad suit looked good on Beckham.) 
I also decided Shakespeare tragedies are not my thing. 
Trips to the beach are rock solid joy. 
I got to dog sit some sweet pups.
And met a new neighbor kitty.
It was fun to discover a Susan Branch ad in this newspaper. 
Did you see it?
Da Bears won!
It's October, breast cancer awareness month.
I had my mammogram this year.
Did you?
Lifting up my friend who is in hospice.
The Community Church of Lake Forest/Lake Bluff had a surprise.
70 people were given $100 to use in a way they saw fit. 
Hearing the stories each Sunday has been amazing.
We were gifted a beautiful quilted piece. 
My daughter and I spent a Saturday trying to sell some vintage items.
That's where I saw bleached flannel shirts.
So I made one. Ta Da.
We met a woman who is running a lovely nonprofit!
What a lovely nonprofit!
Ukraine and the Middle East need our help!
The hostages must be released!
The only way I know to honor those in peril 
is to live my best life with gratitude.
PEACE be with you all!
With love and light,
Jen Pen


  1. Lovely memories and photos

  2. I love this blog! It’s filled with things that remind me of things from the past while sharing lots of happening now times.
    Love the church choice of giving
    In November. 🧡

  3. I love the high fidelity radio! And how cool to find your brownie cap!

  4. Here I am again mo, keeled over with x -es for eyes, panting, tongue hanging out to the right, severely in need of a nap. Every smigent of your blogs exude so much Thanksgiving & Gratitude, I'm flash-flooded with your joy of being alive. THANK YOU!!!

    1. I'm glad to give your eyes some joy! I love you comment!

  5. Thanks for reminding me how beautiful the Midwest can be.
